Monday, September 16, 2013

Jon Mitchell Invite Recap

The Bulldog boys' cross-country team came home Saturday with the championship trophy of the Jon Mitchell Invitational for the 8th consecutive year! The boys had only 29 points versus runner-up Decatur Central's 92 points and were led by the individual champion on the day, Mark Bond.  The Dogs had their best all-around team performance of the season, as the team's top 5 all placed in the top 10 on the day.  Hari Sathyamurthy had a fourth-place finish, followed by Elijah Wagner in  5th, Marcus Feriek in 9th, and Seth Webster in 10th.

Devon Boone was victorious in the junior varsity race with a personal record time, followed closely by Shane Bonness, Joey Vonderahe, Jack Thomas, and Zach Hersberger.  The Dogs had a perfect score of 15 by sweeping the top five spots! 

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