Thursday, August 29, 2013

Boys' XC Memo for August 28th

Black & Gold Hokum Karum:

Saturday, August 31
Bus leaves at 7 a.m.

9 a.m. -- Boys A-AA Relay

9:55 AM Girls A-AA Relay
10:45 AM Boys Reserve Races 3K (awards in chute)
11:10 AM Girls Reserve Races 3K (awards in chute)
Awards follows Boys JV race

Teams: “A” Division (1350) – Brebeuf Prep G/B, Bishop Chatard G/B, Marion G/B,
Pendleton Heights G/B and New Palestine G/B.

“AA” Division (1351) – Bloomington North G/B, Brownsburg G/B, Center Grove
G/B, Fishers B, Floyd Central G/B, Franklin Central G/B, Homestead (new 2013-
B), Lawrence North G, Martinsville G/B, Noblesville G/B, North Central G/B,
Westfield G, Warren Central G/B, Southport B, Zionsville G/B

Location: White River Elementary Cross Country Course. This course is located one block north of Noblesville High School on Cumberland Road.
Course address: 19000 Cumberland Road, Noblesville
Entry Fee: $80 per boys team, $80 per girls team – payable to Noblesville High School.
Awards: For each boys and girls race: Medals for Places A-AA 1-20

Correction: If you wish to take your son after a meet, I have the paperwork that you need to fill out.  It's not online.  Just let me know if that is going to be the case.

Thursday's practice: reminder that this Thursday's practice will not be over until 6:30 PM

Check out the awesome photographs that Mr. Vonderahe has graciously taken at the following web address:

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